The human pailloma virus is one of least studied diseases sexually transmitted. Exact mechanisms of transfer of this virus from the person to the person are precisely unknown till now. And after all consequences of a virus of a papilloma can be really awful – women can have a cancer of a neck of a uterus.
The risk of such complication of a virus of a papilloma of the person at women with a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in an organism is enlarged in 3-4 times. If the man simultaneously has a virus of an immunodeficiency and a virus of a papilloma there is too big risk to receive a fundament cancer.
The American scientists-biologists had made an experiment. 603 women participated in it. Each four months within two years they surveyed their organism.
Namely, participants of the given research answered questions on the sexual life during this period of time, and also passed the analysis on presence in a blood of a papilloma virus.
Risk factors of a pailoma virus:
After the lapse of two years following results were taped: almost half from the women conducting active sexual life has appeared infected by a virus of a papilloma. Thus, following risk factors of infection have been taped by a virus of a papilloma:
* If the person early begins the sexual life the risk of infection is raised.
* Frequent change of sexual partners leads to the raised danger of infection with the illness bound to a virus of a papilloma.
* the People smoking a lot are included into risk group on infection of a virus of a papilloma.
* Acceptance of contraceptive tablets reduces immunity; hence, the person has higher chance to catch a papilloma virus.
* the Virus of a papilloma is transferred not only through vaginal sex, but also through oral sex
* the Women having hormonal disturbances in the organism, also are included into risk group.
* During pregnancy immunity at women falls, therefore it has high risk of infection with a virus of a papilloma.
* Presence in a human body of a virus of an immunodeficiency strongly enlarges risk infection with a papilloma virus.
* Any factor (illness, stress, etc.), leading to depression of immunity of the person, raises risk to receive a papilloma virus.
Danger of peaked condylomas during pregnancy:
If during pregnancy the woman has peaked condylomas (differently, there are genital warts) they are necessary for treating or eliminating.
The warts which have appeared during pregnancy tend to be enlarged quickly in sizes. Because of this unpleasant property of genital warts they can become at the time of delivery an obstacle for a fetus exit. Besides, there is a high probability of infection of the child a papilloma virus at sorts (subsequently it has warts on vocal chords).
Some researchers consider a virus of a papilloma one of the reasons of a cancer of a neck of a uterus. That fact is especially unpleasant that treatment of the warts which are on a neck of a uterus by means of freezing or other methods is impossible – after all it can lead to premature birth.
No doubt that appearance is very important for all the people. And this is the main reason why those who suffer from warts look for a treatment for it. It is of urgent impotance for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are facing the issue are welcomed to check out this genital warts treatment site – the very place on the Internet to find everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
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