A wart is the disease caused by a virus of a papilloma of the person. It is possible to get this virus anywhere, but it is necessary for occurrence of warts that two conditions were met. The first one is disturbance of integrity of a skin (a scratch, mosquito’s stings, agnalls and others). And the second is the immunity depression. Artful rough nodules quickly breed and may cause a pain on brushes and feet.
The diagnosis is put visually, and it is important that it was made by the expert. Because warts often confuse to other dermal diseases, some of which are background precancerous and demand special treatment.
And it is very uneasy to remove warts independently. The most popular agent of fans are based on special grasses offered in drugstores and in the markets that is a blister of a solution nitric, sulfuric and other acids. Careless application of this agent can end really badly. Especially for a gentle children’s skin. Very often little patients lead to the expert with rasping keloid cicatrixes, to get rid from which extremely difficult. Thus warts continue to appear round scars.
It is not necessary to be fond also of nonconventional ways of treatment; it can worsen a situation only. For example, first artful illness can disappear, but then warts will get into deep layers of a skin. And it demands special, more difficult intervention.
Before to get rid of existing warts it is necessary to stop their diffusion. Therefore treatment begins with reception preparation for immune system activity which is prescribed by the doctor according to age of the patient, prevalence of process and an immunogram. These preparations stand out in drugstores only under the prescription of the doctor and to accept them it is necessary accurately under the scheme.
Warts need to be blasted. It can become in the different ways, each of one has the advantages and disadvantages.
1.Creo destruction (destruction by liquid nitrogen)
– Doesn’t leave cicatrixes;
– Cheap.
– Painful procedure;
– Needs numerous coming to the doctor (once in 7-10 days);
– Sometimes there are bubbles which become complicated by a secondary infection.
2. Surgical excision, electro coagulation, excision by the laser
Plus – excision under local anesthesia does operation painless. But there are also minuses:
– Development of cicatrixes on an excision place;
– Difficult conducting the postoperative period;
– Frequent relapses.
3. The X-ray-therapy
– Painless procedure;
– Absence of damages of a skin.
Minus – numerous procedures.
And at last: It happens that warts disappear by itself at rising of protective properties of an organism. Sometimes simply enough to spend on drink a course of vitamins, but also in this case you will need to make a visit to the doctor to receive competent consultation.
Nobody will object that appearance is very important for us. That’s why people who suffer from warts search for a treatment for it. It is of urgent impotance for those people who have warts on their genitals. Those who are experience the issue are welcomed to visit this genital warts treatment site – the right spot on the Internet to get everything you need – over the counter treatment for genital warts and even more.
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